
STELZNER® agricultural measurement systems

Our advisory kits for measuring pH: the pH AGRAR 2000, the PET 2000 for measuring nutrient salt intake, the MULTI ISE for determining individual nutrients, the EC 2000 for measuring conductivity, the PE Controller for monitoring crop nutrients, the MULTI 2000 for measuring activity, conductivity and temperature, and the Type-X, Type-V, Type-VII and Type-III combination kits


Nitrate determination

NITRAT 2000 advisory kit

This straight-forward, microprocessor-controlled meter uses an ion-selective electrode to measure the nitrate concentration in a liquid. A simple slurry can be made with extraction solution in order to measure substrata and soil. Turbidity does not have an effect on the measurement results. Nitrate contents up to 1,000 mg/l (ppm) can be accurately measured. This eliminates the possibility of errors caused by dilution. A nitrate combination electrode can be used for the measuring system. The calibration should be carried out with our calibration solution (included). We recommend that you use our Nitrat 2000 Advisory Kit when preparing your test samples (art. no. 2011). It contains all the necessary accessories, as listed below.

NITRAT 2000 soil kit

Soil kit for simple and quick determination of the nitrate content in the field.The NITRAT 2000 is easy to use and delivers quick reliable results. The meter and accompanying instructions allow you to measure the nitrate content in soil, plants, or organic material. The NITRAT 2000 soil kit includes all necessary instruments and auxiliary materials. The detailed instructions accompanying the kit describe how to take samples and carry out measurements. They include examples and related reference information.

30002008 NITRAT 2000 € 380,80
Base unit without electrode
30002011 NITRAT 2000 soil kit € 1142,40
NITRAT 2000 with nitrate electrode, 100 ml each of calibration solutions 500 and 50 mg/l NO3, 100 ml refill solution (0.1 mol KCl) with filler syringe, 100 ml conditioning solution, salt for extraction solution/alum, spray bottle with deionized water, 1 litre beaker, hand mixer, electronic precision scale, fluted filter, strainer with drip tray, six powder funnels (∅ 120 mm), six extraction bottles (0.5 litre), beaker, plastic shovel
30002019 NITRAT 2000 advisory kit € 749,70
NITRAT 2000 with nitrate electrode, 100 ml each of calibration solutions 500 and 50 mg/l NO3, 100 ml refill solution of 0.1 mol KCl with filler syringe, 100 ml conditioning solution, salt for extraction solution/alum, spray bottle with deionized water, beaker
Art.-Nr. Article Accessories Cart
30001004 Spritzflasche mit entionisiertem Wasser € 7,14
30001009 Hand mixer € 117,81
30001909 Conditioning solution, 1 mol/l KNO3, 100 ml bottle € 8,93
30002014 Beaker for measuring volume, 100 ml with cover € 3,57
30002018 Calibration solution 500 mg/l NO3, 1 l bottle € 35,11
30002023 Calibration solution 50 mg/l NO3, 1 l bottle € 35,11
30002027 Refill solution with filler syringe for electrodes, 0.1 mol/l KCl, 100 ml bottle € 8,93
30002028 Calibration solution 500 mg/l NO3, 100 ml bottle € 8,93
30002031 Powder funnel € 6,78
ø 120 mm
30002033 100 fluted filters (ø 240 mm) for analysis € 41,65
30002034 Calibration solution 50 mg/l NO3, 100 ml bottle € 8,93
30002035 Salt for 5 l extraction solution/alum € 11,78
30002036 Extraction solution/alum, 1 l bottle € 23,21
40180101 Nitrate selective combination electrode 1 metre of attached cable, BNC plug € 952,00
30000810 Soil strainer with wooden frame € 65,45
4 mm / 330 x 190 mm with drip pan
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Measurement range: NO3: 0 to 1.000 mg/l
Resolution: NO3: 1 mg/l 
Accuracy: NO3: ± 5 %
Display: Liquid crystal display
Operating temperature: : 
During operations: + 5 to + 45 °C
Power supply: 
One nine-volt battery, size 6LR61
Service life: approx. 100 hours
Protection degree:
Advisory kit, Dimensions and weight with case: 370 x 290 x 90 mm,
approx. 3.2 kg
Soil kit, Dimensions and weight with case:
550 x 410 x 180 mm,
approx. 4.5 kg

Bambach Premium plug-in tensiometer-GL

The special features of this design are the spacious, stable tube and the strong, long, cylindrical porous cell. In addition to its mechanical stability, a key advantage is the extended service life that results from the greater filling... ...more Topseller

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