
PET 2000

Salt measurement, control of plant nutrition

The PET 2000 activity meter can measure the potential absorption of nutrient salts under the same conditions as the actual nutrient salt absorption through the roots. This means that the dissolved salt content is measured in the soil and substrata and thus corresponds to the direct "activity" within the plant canopy. The displayed units are g/l (e.g., grams of salt per litre of substratum). All related soil properties (such as fertilizer concentration, soil humidity, volume density and temperature) and taken into account for the measurement.

The accompanying technical manual can then be used to properly evaluate the measured salt content. In landscape architecture, tree schools, nursery gardens, public parks, forests and all other areas where plants are cultivated, this meter helps to verify and monitor your plan of action. You can optimize your cultivation results with the PET 2000.

When high salt content is being measured, the nitrate test strips (art. no 1100) can be used to differentiate between nitrogen and accompanying salts. The AM probe is available in a variety of lengths (25, 50 or 75 cm with 10-mm diameter) to fit the application. Longer probes are available on request. The AM probe is made from stainless steel and has a 3-cm measuring tip. The probe is maintenance-free. It come with a 9-Volt battery and a splash-water resistant enclosure.

30001000 PET 2000 activity meter € 327,25
Base unit without AM probe
30001100 Soil advisory kit, type X € 434,35
PET 2000 with AM probe (25 cm) and mini-DIN 8-pin plug, 6 nitrate test strips, 100 ml beaker, spray bottle with deionized water, technical manual
Art.-Nr. Article Accessories Cart
30003019 One nine-volt battery € 2,98
One nine-volt battery, size 6LR61
30001004 Spritzflasche mit entionisiertem Wasser € 7,14
30001001 AM probe (75 cm) with mini-DIN 8-pin plug € 74,97
30001002 AM probe (50 cm), 1 metre cable, with mini-DIN 8-pin plug € 66,64
30001003 AM probe (25 cm), 1 metre cable, with mini-DIN 8-pin plug € 58,31
30002005 Nitrate Merckoquant € 42,66
Box with 100 strips
30002014 Beaker for measuring volume, 100 ml with cover € 3,57
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Measurement range:  0 to 2 g/l 
Resolution: 0.01 g/l
Accuracy: ±  0.02 g/l
Display: Liquid crystal display
Operating temperature: +5 to 45 °C
Power supply: One nine-volt battery,  size 6LR61
Service life: 25 hours
Protection degree: IP40
Dimensions and weight: 125 x 75 x 45 mm, 190 g
Dimensions and weight with case: 370 x 290 x 90 mm
    approx. 2.7 kg

Soil probe

The stainless steel soil probe is a tool used for detecting (or probing) soil layer densities, water permeability levels, and soil types. It does not require the soil to be dug up. It can be used to detect zones within the topsoil layer... ...more Topseller

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