
STELZNER® agricultural measurement systems

Our advisory kits for measuring pH: the pH AGRAR 2000, the PET 2000 for measuring nutrient salt intake, the MULTI ISE for determining individual nutrients, the EC 2000 for measuring conductivity, the PE Controller for monitoring crop nutrients, the MULTI 2000 for measuring activity, conductivity and temperature, and the Type-X, Type-V, Type-VII and Type-III combination kits

Indoor Sativa advisory kit

Mobile nutrient analysis

Analysis technology for production control - Cannabis Sativa

The Sativa kit contains the Stelzner CO2 meter including data logger, temperature & moisture control. The measuring intervals with alarm function can be freely chosen and are recorded on an SD card or transferred in Excel format via a USB interface. Lighting control is one of the most important and at the same time most complex aspects of cannabis cultivation. The Stelzner PAR 2000 light meter measures the photosynthetically active radiation (400-700nm) as the photosynthetically effective amount of light. Measured as Photosynthetic Photo Flux Density (PPFD) in µmol/m²/s. The Stelzner PAR 2000 is an effective tool for optimising light harvesting. An essential prerequisite for high-yield cannabis cultivation is an optimal supply of nutrients. This requires targeted monitoring of the pH value, salt content and conductivity of nutrient solutions. The Stelzner MULTI 2000 measures the total content of dissolved salts in the soil or substrates, measured in g salt/l of soil. A soil probe is used to take measurements directly in the crop, taking into account all relevant soil properties such as soil temperature, soil moisture and soil density.
By using the conductivity electrode of the Stelzner MULTI 2000, the electrical conductivity (EC value) of the nutrient solution can be measured. The EC value measures how well a liquid can conduct electricity. The more salts are dissolved in a liquid, the better the electrons are transported. This enables specific amounts of fertiliser to be added. The Stelzner MULTI 2000 can also be used reliably and quickly to check the pH value. The pH piercing electrode made of glass is equipped with several diaphragms and enables the exact measurement of the pH value in solutions and directly in the soil or substrate.

Soil moisture control is an important growth factor. The three tensiometers included in the Sativa kit measure the suction force in the soil. The clay candle transports the soil water to the analogue manometer via negative pressure. The suction force is measured in hPa.

Many cannabis diseases are due to calcium deficiency. Calcium plays a key roles as an essential secondary macronutrient. The Sativa kit includes a test kit with reagents and 60 semi-quantitative test strips to determine the calcium content. Nitrogen is a key macronutrient that promotes vegetative growth. The Sativa kit also contains 100 nitrate test strips for nitrogen control.

The Sativa kit also contains a 15x illuminated magnifying glass for checking the trichomes.

30001750 Indoor Sativa advisory kit € 2677,50
Carbon dioxide/humidity/thermometer, Multi 2000 for pH, EC and salt content, PAR 2000, illuminated magnifying glass 15x, precision hair hygrometer, sampling auger, 3 x tensiometer type LM-GL with manometer, calcium test strips (kit for 60 sticks), nitrate test strips (100 strips), complete in a kit with additional reagents, calibration liquids and various accessories, Sativa handout
Art.-Nr. Article Accessories Cart
30002073 Calcium € 83,30
60 tests
30003019 One nine-volt battery € 2,98
One nine-volt battery, size 6LR61
30001004 Spritzflasche mit entionisiertem Wasser € 7,14
50123234 Type LM-GL, length 34 cm € 45,22
501707-600 Manometer M 600 € 87,23
Measuring range 0 to -600 mbar
30001003 AM probe (25 cm), 1 metre cable, with mini-DIN 8-pin plug € 58,31
30001303 Calibration solution, 1.4 mS/cm 100 ml bottle € 7,91
30001304 Calibration solution, 111.8 mS/cm 100 ml bottle € 7,91
30001308 Calibration solution, 12.88 mS/cm 100 ml bottle € 7,91
other calibration solutions are available on request
30002005 Nitrate Merckoquant € 42,66
Box with 100 strips
30002014 Beaker for measuring volume, 100 ml with cover € 3,57
30003011 pH-Glaseinstechelektrode mit drei Diaphragmen, 3 mol/l KCl, 1 m Festkabel mit BNC-Stecker € 180,88
with three diaphragms, 3 mol/l KCl, 1 metre attached cable with BNC plug
30003012 pH 4.0 buffer solution 100 ml bottle € 7,91
30003013 pH 7.0 buffer solution 100 ml bottle € 7,91
30003017 Dibble € 2,38
30003022 Refill solution with filler syringe for pH electrodes: 3 mol/l KCl, 100 ml bottle € 7,91
30004097 Four-wire carbon conductivity electrode 1 metre cable, temperature sensor NTC 30 K, Mini-DIN 8-pin plug € 177,31
1 metre cable, temperature sensor NTC 30 K, Mini-DIN 8-pin plug
30000504 Calcium chloride (CaCl2) for soil analysis (approx. 11.1 g for 10 litres of 0.01 mol/l) € 5,95
30004033 High-precision hair hygrometer € 60,10
30004416 Illuminated magnifier (15-x) € 35,10
with pouch
Show Cart
  MULTI 2000
Measurement ranges: pH: 0 bis 14
Activity: 0 to 2 g/l
Conductivity: 0 to 200 mS/cm
Resolution: pH: 0,01
Activity: 0.1 g/l
Conductivity: 0.01 mS/cm
Accuracy: pH: ± 0,02
Activity: ± 0.2 g/l
Conductivity: ± 2 %    0 to 10 mS/cm
± 5%    10 to 200 mS/cm
  PAR 2000
Measurement range: PPFD: 0 to 10,000 µmol/m2/s
Linearity: <1% (up to 10,000 µmol/m2s)
Resolution: 0.01 µmol/m2s
Cosine correction: 
corrects up to 80° angle of incidence
Dimensions and weight of case: 600 x 415 x 184 mm,
approx. 14 kg
  CO2 /rH/T – Meter
Measurement range: CO2: 0 bis 4,000 ppm
Air humidity: 10 to 95 % rel. humidity
    Temperature: 0.0 to +50 °C
Dew point: -25.3 to +48.9 °C 
Resolution: CO2: 1 ppm
ir humidity: 0.1 % relative humidity
Temperature: 0.1 °C
Dew point: 0.1 °C
Accuracy: CO2: ±-40 ppm (< 1,000 ppm)
    ±5% meas. value (> 1,000 to < 3,000 ppm)
    ± 250 ppm (> 3,000 ppm)
    Air humidity: ± 3% meas.value (< 70% rel. humidity)
    ± 3% meas.value + 1 % (> 70% rel. humidity)
Temperature: 0.8 °C


The VARIO MINI is a compact thermoblock for mobile analyses. Enables you to be flexible and mobile when taking samples, simply charge the VARIO-MINI via your car's cigarette lighter. Save time and benefit from the fast and safe... ...more Topseller

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