
STELZNER® agricultural measurement systems

Soil sampling auger made of stainless steel: sampling auger for pots, hand-held auger, soil scrapers, Pückhauer instrument for glass-covered crops, outdoor vegetable cultivation, floriculture (ornamental plants), tree nurseries and golf courses

Multi-piece boring kits

Multi-piece boring kits

Mehrteilige Bohrsätze / Bohrgeräte bestehend aus Schaufel, Gestänge, Schlagkopf und Bohrergriff für die Tiefen 0 bis 30 / 30 bis 60 / 60 bis 90 cm. Der Bohrergriff ist steckbar mit Gummiummantelung und Anschärfung zum Ausstreifen der Erdprobe. Alle Einzelteile sind untereinander auswechselbar.

30005200 Two-piece boring kit € 495,04
With one grip for 0 to 30 / 30 to 60 cm boring depth. Weight: approx. 6.7 kg
30005501 Pürckhauer with screw-on strike head € 378,42
Total length approx 1,185 mm, ø 22 mm
Art.-Nr. Article Accessories Cart
30005110 Shovel length: 30 cm for 0 to 30 cm depth € 116,62
inner ø 32 mm, outer ø 38 mm
30005111 Rods for 0 to 30 cm € 62,48
ø 22 mm, length 50 cm
30005114 Strike head for all rods € 61,29
30005115 Borer grip for strike head € 42,84
ø 38 mm
30005210 Shovel length: 30 cm for 30 to 60 cm depth € 116,62
inner ø 26 mm, outer ø 34 mm
30005211 Rods for 30 to 60 cm € 62,48
ø 22 mm, length 75 cm
30005310 Shovel length: 30 cm for 60 to 90 cm depth € 116,62
inner ø 21mm, outer ø 28 mm
30005311 Rods for 60 to 90 cm € 62,48
ø 22 mm, length 90 cm
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Classic plug-in tensiometer

A tensiometer is used to measure suction tension. The porous cell of the tensiometer uses capillary action to transport water outwards into the drier soil. A negative pressure is then created within the closed pipe. This negative... ...more Topseller

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