
iRAS® – Water analysis technology

Our iRAS® products provide solutions for wastewater treatment plants, environmental protection, drinking water, ground and surface waters, laboratory, energy production, soil extracts, and much more

Ag/AgCl - reference electrode Ag/AgCl - reference electrode
The Ag/AgCl - reference electrode is an electrode with a...
TM 40, TM 40 CO2, LF 40, AM 40, ISE 40 TM 40, TM 40 CO2, LF 40, AM 40, ISE 40
Measures pH, redox, ion concentrations, conductivity and dissolved gases
Immersion housings Immersion housings
Immersion housings for measurments in milraces, channels...
Flow housings Flow housings
flow through housings is used for insertion of...
2-wire conductivity electrodes 2-wire conductivity electrodes
Conductivity electrode Conductive 2-wire or 4-wire...
4-wire conductivity electrodes 4-wire conductivity electrodes
Conductivity electrode Conductive 2-wire or 4-wire...
Further electrodes Further electrodes
Temperature sensor NTC10K, pH, Antimon, Redox, Platinum
Multi-parameter laboratory controller Multi-parameter laboratory controller
Measures pH, redox, ion concentrations, conductivity and dissolved gases
Flow cell Flow cell
Flow cell for the online monitoring chemical parameters...
Submersible housing Submersible housing
Submersible housing for measurment under the surface or...
Einstabmessketten combination electrodes
Zur Bestimmung von Ionenaktivitäten oder...
Ion-selective electrodes Ion-selective electrodes
Ion-selective electrodes (ISE) are used to determine ion...
MV 50xx series MV 50xx series
MV 50xx single-channel measuring transducer
KM  3000 KM  3000
KM 3000 multi-parameter measuring system

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